Source: Secretaria de comunicação do estado do Acre
Pig heads
Pig production
4,052 tons
Source: IBGE-PPM, Brasil. 2018, Table 3939

Since 2004, part of the producers of the Alto Acre region has begun to move towards a new perspective: the public-private-community system (PPC), involving the company AcreAves, holder of the concession of the Brazilian Poultry Agroindustrial Complex; Agroaves, a cooperative currently with 85 producers and the state government, as a developer

Between 2014 and 2017, the number of pigs slaughtered increased by 300% in Acre, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) . With 37,859 thousand animals slaughtered in the last year, the state became the main one in this production chain in the Northern Region. About 35 families in the Alto Acre region are primarily responsible for this innovation and progress.

Dom Porquito has a production capacity of 700 pigs / day, generating 1,000 direct jobs.

Pisciculture production

Source: Secretaria de comunicação do estado do Acre
Chicken Production
2,7 millions
Quail Production
Source: IBGE-PPM, Brasil. 2018, Table 3939

Since 2004, the producers of the Alto Acre region moved towards a new perspective: a public-private-community system, involving the company AcreAves, which holds the concession of the Brazilian Poultry Agroindustrial Complex. The cooperative Agroaves currently holds 85 producers with the state government as a developer.

The region is responsible for approximately 30% of the chicken supply of the state. This includes the production of the municipality of Brasiléia (406,340 heads), and the production of the neighboring municipality of Epitaciolândia (261,813.00) -IBGE in 2017-.

Animal farming population (1999-2018)
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